Adult ADHD is a frustrating and demoralizing experience for many people. Difficulties with attention, focus and productivity can hold people back in their schoolwork, career, and personal life. With treatment, many are able to find relief and are liberated to reach their goals.

Dr. Cameron Mahle has successfully treated Adult ADHD with a myriad of evidence-based methods. His approach to Adult ADHD treatment is informed by the fact that each person’s manifestation of ADHD is unique and requires an individualized formulation.

Dr. Mahle collaborates with each patient in order to develop a treatment plan that is specific for each person. He is mindful that while some patients will thrive best with medication management, others might prefer a psychotherapeutic approach, and still others will do best with a combination of methods.


What can I expect during the evaluation?
As a psychiatrist, Dr. Mahle will explore your unique experience with ADHD with a full psychiatric evaluation. During this important initial step, Dr. Mahle will develop a comprehensive understanding of the constellation of ADHD symptoms that are most problematic for you. From here, Dr. Mahle will be able to recommend a strategic treatment approach that will be tailored to your specific presentation.

Which treatments are best for adults?
Dr. Mahle will discuss extensively with you the multitude of methods and treatments available to overcome the symptoms of ADHD. Many patients benefit from medication management (both stimulant and non-stimulant options), psychotherapy, or a combination of methods. Ultimately, the treatment plan will be the result of a collaboration between you and Dr. Mahle.

Are treatments effective for Adult ADHD?
Dr. Mahle has had excellent success in effectively treating Adult ADHD. Under his care, the vast majority of patients are able to achieve complete remission of symptoms.

Are treatments safe for Adult ADHD?
As with any medication, there are always potential side effects and adverse effects. Dr. Mahle will be sure to discuss these extensively with you and determine if medications are appropriate for your particular case. Additionally, Dr. Mahle utilizes a rigorous and discerning follow up plan in order to detect and manage any untoward effects that may develop after treatment is started.

How do I schedule an appointment?
Call Dr. Mahle directly at 347-943-0565 for a brief telephone consultation. If Dr. Mahle is an appropriate treatment option for you, he will schedule an appointment with you during this phone call. Dr. Mahle has flexible hours to accommodate your schedule. Or, click on the “Contact Us” link at the top of the page to send a confidential message to Dr. Mahle requesting an appointment or more information.

Other General FAQ

What is your fee?
The initial consultation is typically 60 minutes and the fee is $450. All subsequent sessions (therapy and/or medication management) are the same flat fee of $400. The fee is always collected up front before the session begins.

How does payment work?
I accept credit card, debit card, HSA or FSA card, or cash. Your card is swiped before the session begins. I will provide you with a receipt and an invoice for each session. There is NO ADDITIONAL FEE for brief telephone calls, prescription refills or sessions involving family or significant others. However, controlled substances are not refilled without coming in for a session.

Do you take insurance?
I do not accept any insurance but many patients collect a partial or full reimbursement if they have out-of-network coverage in their insurance. If you have this benefit, you can submit the session invoices to your insurance company and I can provide specific advice on how to do this.

Why not take insurance?
By not relying on insurance for payment I am able to provide a higher level of care to my patients in terms of the duration and frequency of appointments, flexibility of scheduling, and independence in shaping the treatment plan, as well as maximum privacy and confidentiality with your personal health information.

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